
Felicia Melian is a seminary graduate and ex-church planter turned writer and researcher. She specializes in interrogating the invisible, stagnant, and harmful ideas that exist among white evangelicals – especially those that stand in the way of justice. You can find her latest article in the Christians for Social Action Library.

Felicia resides with her husband, Gabe, in Tampa, Florida.

Featured on:

Christians for Social Action
Faith & Public Life
Racial Justice

Red Letter Christians

The Salvation Army
Metro Women’s Conference
Virtual Workshop

Freedom Road
Global Writers Group

Story Circle

Watermark Church
Church History for Lunch

Social Justice Research

What People Are Saying

“Felicia has this ability to take a mess of thoughts, feelings, or frustrations I have and organize them into something so perfect and eloquent.”

— Andy V.

“Best current blog series out there. Wow!”

— Dan M.

“I love this. It's so well worded and really resonant with conversations I have been having with many friends and family members.”

— Lauretta T.

“Shaming others does no one any good. Let’s be restorative and helpful. Great stuff here by Felicia Melian.”

— Gavin P.

“My friend Felicia Melian always writes in a way that speaks to my heart, and she's done it again.”

— Erin M.

“Like a breath of crisp, fresh air.”

— Tina A.