Broken, Leaky Parts: A Pilgrimage through Faith Crisis
2020 brought with it innumerable unveilings, moments of disorientation, and general apocalyptic vibes. We had no choice in the matter. But, 2021 can be our response: Will we remove these lessons from our collective memory? Repair their broken pieces? OR reckon with the cost of replacing all that has stopped working?
If you’re already neck-deep in doubts and questions, I hope to offer validation, safety, & spaciousness here. If this does NOT describe you, I pray God sends you a Faith Crisis ;-)
For real, though. If this does not describe you, it likely DOES describe someone you know or your future-self. So, you’re invited to immerse in the experience as well! Not to agree or disagree, but to practice curiosity, openness, and self-reflection.
As you read through each of these events, I invite you to notice how parts of my story make you feel.
How does your body react? Which of my questions seem particularly dangerous? Where do you get defensive, and why? What fears are triggered in you, and where at in the story? Where do you relate? Where are you confused? Are there moments you feel I oversimplify or overcorrect? Feel free to take notes.
Your observations are not necessarily for me to know (though, I would love to!), but to serve as a self-reflective guide for your own emergency moments, and empower you to tell your story.