My 2 Days in Madrid


April 16–18, 2016

My husband (Gabe) and I ventured to Europe for the first time in 2016. We flew over with Gabe’s dad, Diogenes (who generously offered to sponsor our flights), and spent our first 2 nights with family in Madrid, before continuing on to Tenerife (Canary Islands). While not long enough, these 2 days served as a fantastic introduction to Europe!


(Tio) Roberto & (prima) Alejandra picked us up at the airport in Madrid — Roberto jumping and waving at the sight of us! The most exuberant reception!

He even taped a “limo service” sign on the window of his mini-van — such a character! We took the “limo” to their home, a bit outside of the city, and all quickly showered. Then, wasting no time, the touring began! We drove downtown and ate at an awesome café (Lateral Santa Ana)!

We were seated outside on the patio, surrounded by heaters (it was a bit cold & drizzly, being April). And it was an EPIC first taste of Europe, with delicious tapas & café bombón (one part sweetened condensed milk + one part espresso) to fill our bellies!


It was so wonderful just to be there with family, enjoying some hot food, and soaking in the sights and sounds of the city! I felt I might burst of happiness, in the magic of it all! The memory holds a special place in my heart, as it represents one dream fulfilled (stepping foot in Europe for the first time) and many more travel-dreams awakened!

That night, we walked all around the city: taking pictures as flamenco dancers in Plaza Meyor, exploring the beautiful, restored Mercado de San Miguel, and ending up at a Cardamomo flamenco show!


Later that evening (i.e. 10 pm, per Spanish time), we ate dinner at Asador Donostiarra, a Basque* restaurant.

*I had no idea what this meant at the time. I chronicled in my journal that they serve big portions there because they feed the guys who drag and throw the huge rocks…meaning the Basques. What? Something may have gotten lost in translation. Now that I am planning a trip specifically to the Basque Country, this cracks me up!*

I remember Gabe and I shared a fish meal, and the bread was tasty! Beyond that, all I recall is being very sleepy! Jet lag was kicking into high gear by the time we left (after midnight).



We “slept in” til about 8:30 a.m. and got ready for more adventures! We enjoyed a Spanish-Venezuelan fusion breakfast, prepared by our lovely hosts! There were 4 different types of ham, cheeses, fresh orange juice, coffee, arepas, marmalades, and it was all sooo yummy! We also got a lesson on how the Spaniards spread tomatoes on toast with extra virgin olive oil and garlic (pan de cristal con tomate = delish!), with jamón (of course). Jamón is life.

The next order of touristic business was visiting the Royal Palace (Palacio Real). So, we got our little audio tour thingies and explored the Palace, armory, and adjacent cathedral (Almudena Cathedral)!


The afternoon custom is to get Vermouth with small tapas before lunch, so we wandered into a cute little café near the Teatro Real and sat on a couch around the fireplace. They served us small platters of paella with cava (sparkling Spanish wine).

We went back to the house to pick up the cousins, then drove out to El Bohio (a 3 Michelin star restaurant!), where we ate and took pictures with Chef Pepe (famous from MasterChef, España)! The food was amazing, and we were seated all alone in their special wine room!

After the meal, we went out with the family to their church for mass. It was a beautiful service and building!


We had an early flight to catch in the morning to visit more family in Tenerife, so this completed our visit to Madrid! It was definitely not long enough!

If you’ve spent time in Madrid, please let me know what we missed seeing and need to plan for next time!


My 3 Days in Tenerife