Travel as Therapy


I would consider myself risk-averse, in general, but traveling around the world has taught me that much of the time it is WORTH risking what could go wrong.

Traveling requires that I be brave and therefore makes me brave. When I take a trip somewhere I’ve never been, I know that discomfort is unavoidable and I bear it (it is not the big deal I make it out to be at home). I am faced with hard things, stretched out of my comfort zone, and find out that I am wayyy stronger and more enduring than I know.

The reality is: sometimes you get sick, sometimes you take a bus the wrong direction or miss your train, sometimes you get stuck in an elevator. Sometimes everyone is hangry. Sometimes there is no toilet paper in the bathroom and you have to rely on the kindness of a stranger.

These moments are opportunities to practice saying, “It’s okay. It’s part of the journey. I accept the good AND the bad, because that’s the only way to keep going.”

Isn’t that just like life?

Sometimes the unexpected strikes and the only thing we can do is let go and trust…that things are going to work out…that you are strong enough to make it through…that someone will be there to help…that another train will come…that it will be worth it in the end…or — at the very least — that it’s the only way to move forward.

. . .

When I get home, I miss it. I miss living one day at a time and having no need of worry. I miss who I am under pressure — rolling with the punches, doing hard things, feeling strong and unstoppable, confident, determined, proud, accomplished. I miss walking miles and miles, depending on my body to get me places. I miss being outside in the sun, breathing the fresh air, and seeing new, interesting things around every corner. I miss making the MOST of each day, from dawn until the late hours of the evening, and collapsing exhausted into bed each night. When I get home, what I miss is living life to the fullest.

. . .

My husband and I have made a habit of doing a big trip every year, for the past (almost) 4 years. And it is like therapy. It jerks me awake to my life and refreshes my soul. It offers some beautiful lessons that I can bring home. It sends me back with new perspectives and challenges me to live differently.

Our last ambitious trip taught me to:

  1. Let go of worries

    I don’t have to live in fear or overthink everything. I can stop clinging to worries, let go, and just live. I can do it. I AM doing it.

  2. Be present in the moment

    The world keeps on spinning whether or not I notice. But joy is found, and memories are made, in the noticing.

So, if you have been given a new day and energy in your body, why waste it on fears and worry?! Spend your energy on LIFE — walking, observing, savoring, conversing, hugging, soaking it all in, and living it up!

Each minute. Each hour.

Because life is beautiful, and life is short, no matter where on earth you are.


My Week in London Pt. 1


Tips for booking cheap tickets to (and within) Europe